So Jordan and I spent most of practice today...on our butts! We are determined to do this cool, special move in what's called a "shoot the duck" position. All you skater folks know exactly what that means, as it is a move you learn right off the bat when you are a kid, but as an adult it's a bit more challenging!
Basically, you glide on one foot and then slowly sink down on that skating foot as you pull the free foot out in front of you parallel to the ice. You end up gliding on one foot in a very low sitting positon across the ice. Hard! It's hard to balance. It's hard to keep your skating blade from wobbling. It's hard everything. And don't even begin to tell me about trying to rise up out of it! Argh!
Anyway we are doing it, and today we managed to do it opposite one another (me gliding backwards, Jordan forwards) and hanging on to one another. Whao! That was COOL! Although we did it so much and landed on our butts so much, I have many bruises tonight and my pants were soaking wet by the time we were done. With "shoot the duck," it's pretty much a given that you will land on your fanny a lot. :o)
We start formal choreogrpahy training next week! Music is cut. Footwork is done. Spin is picked and lifts are picked. Now we just need to get it all into 2:30 min!
Until Next Time,