My partner is being a PITA.

LOL! getting and keeping a partner in the adult skating world is like trying to get a Polar Bear to survive the Sahara. It's really hard. So when you find one, you feel blessed. Even though I appreciate my partner so much, he can be a real pain sometimes. However, please note, I can be even WORSE in return. I love Jordan like he is my brother. In fact we have a great relationship and have become quite close over the years. I'll tell him stuff I don't tell ANYONE.
Today, however, I just about wanted to wring his neck. He looooves to find my buttons and PUSH them! LOL. Then, he giggles at me when he knows he's gotten under my skin. Argh! I just want to punch him! Oh but I love him!
We are a stubborn twosome. It's the way we work, but then we start giggling after a big blow up and laugh about how stupid we are being. Today it was over our circular footwork. It's not an easy sequence and we have now placed it at the very end of the program. To follow the beat of the music or connect with each other even if we end up behind the music when we are tired? Well, we need to do both, but try to telling that to Jordan or getting me to compromise on the issue is like telling that Polar Bear he can't go home! LOL. Ah, to be in a dance partnership! We'll get there eventually. It's the nature of the game.
Our new OD costumes are complete! I am so excited because they look amazing. Up above is a pic of last years costume. We'll be wearing this shindig for the Gold compulsory dances, the Starlight Waltz and the Kilian. Unfortunately, we don't have any pics of our Championship costumes yet because I didn't get a chance to order any at Sectionals before the legendary crash.
So we have our last practice with Leone tomorrow. She is heading out of town, so we'll be flying solo the last few days before we head to LP. The plan is to fly to Boston and then drive to LP. The Boston flight is direct. I do NOT want to risk losing skates and costumes with connecting flights! So we'll drive 5 hours from Boston to LP on Sunday night. It'll be a looong day.
Our first practice is Monday afternoon in the 1932 rink. I can't wait!
Until Next Time,
PS. I forgot the video camera this morning. Sorry. Hey, it was 6 am. My brain doesn't function well that time of day. LOL!
1 comment:
Say hello to Boston for me - remember I used to live (and skate there!)
Good luck to you guys and have fun!
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