Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Holy Sheep! We're In The Paper!

So the Columbian Daily News came out today, and right there on the front page of the Sports section was a HUGE picture of me and Jordan. Whoa! That is soooo cool!

The photo was taken by Columbian Photographer Janet L. Mathews.
Paul Danzer, sports writer for the Columbian, wrote a geat article on all five dance teams who arrived home from Chicago with medals. It was so touching and we are all tickled!
Here's the link: See The Story

The article took up half the front page of the sports section and half the back page as well and included four great pictures. Thanks Paul!
Just goes to show...it doesn't matter how old you are. You CAN start and be somewhat successful in a competitive sport when your all grown up!

Until Next Time,

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